+221 33 920 15 30    Email:    info.senegal@blshelpline.com
Italy Visa Application Center in Senegal

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This Visa is an entry permit for a short stay for foreigners invited by organizations, institutions, public organizations or private but well-known, to participate in special events and events of particular relevance, political, scientific, cultural, whose expenses residence are a host institution. It may also be issued to foreigners summoned or invited by the Italian judiciary

Visa Fees

Schengen Short Term Type C Visa (Senegal Nationals and other countries) Above 12 years of age 90.00 59.050
Between 6 years and less than 12 years of age 45.00 29.550
Less than 6 years of age Free of Charge Free of Charge
Gambia Citizens   90.00 59.050
Cabo Verde Citizens Above 18 years of age 67,50 44.500
Between 12 years and less than 18 years of age 33,75 22.250
Less than 12 years of age Free of Charge Free of Charge


  • Applicants will be paying a service fee of FCFA 10496 (inclusive of VAT 12%)
  • The applicable Visa Fee and Service fee are as per the current rate of exchange set by the Embassy of Italy. They are subject to change without any notice
  • All the Fees are non-refundable

Document Requirements

Travel insurance is mandatory for all Schengen countries.

Please Click Here for checklist

List of Supporting Documents

Photo Specifications

Kindly Note that PHOTOBOOTH is available at BLS Application Center and Photos provided are as per the OACI specifications

Photograph Quality

The photographs must be:

photo requirement

  • No more than 6-months old
  • 35-40mm in width
  • Close up of your head and top of your shoulders so that your face takes up 70 -80% of the photograph
  • In sharp focus and clear
  • Of high quality with no ink marks or creases

The photographs must:

  • Show you looking directly at the camera
  • Show your skin tones naturally
  • Have appropriate brightness and contrast
  • Be printed on high quality paper, and at high resolution Photographs taken with a digital camera must be high quality colour and printed on photo-quality paper.

Style and lighting

The photographs must be:

  • Be colour neutral
  • Show your eyes open and clearly visible-no hair across your eyes
  • Show you facing square on to the camera, not looking over one shoulder (portrait style) or tilted, and showing both edges of your face clearly
  • Be taken with a plain light-coloured background
  • Be taken with uniform lighting and not show shadows or flash reflections on your face and no red eye

Glasses and head covers

If you wear glasses:

  • Be colour neutral
  • The photograph must show your eyes clearly with no flash reflection off the glasses, and no tinted lenses (if possible, avoid heavy frames - wear lighter framed glasses if you have them)
  • Make sure that the frames do not cover any part of your eyes.

Head coverings :

  • Are not permitted except for religious reasons, but your facial features from bottom of chin to top of forehead and both edges of your face must be clearly shown.

Expression and frame

Your photographs must:

  • Show you alone (no chair backs, toys or other people visible), looking at the camera with a neutral expression and your mouth closed.

Processing Time

The Embassy of Italy in Dakar processes visa applications for individual tourism and business within two working days (36 hours) from delivery of the passport to the Embassy. If particular checks are necessary, the processing time may be longer. The Schengen legislation provides for a maximum processing time of 15 days, extendable to 45 days if necessary (art. 23 of the Schengen Visa Code). However, applicants are invited to apply for a visa well in advance of the scheduled departure date (at least 15 days before departure). The visa application can be submitted a maximum of six months before the intended departure.

Days may be added to the normal processing times indicated for applications submitted by citizens of countries subject to security consultation.